Document Type : Original Article


1 Cyber ​​space strategic management student- Supreme National Defense University

2 Educational Department of Cyberspace Strategic Management of National Defense University


At the beginning of the formation of cyberspace, some theorists believed that the development of cyberspace and the establishment of economic, political and cultural interactions at the global level would be accompanied by definitions such as demarcation, land demarcation, demilitarization and de-governance, but it is now widely accepted. Cyberspace is not a law-free area where anyone can engage in any hostile activity by engaging in unregulated behavior without regard to internationally accepted rules, regulations and rules. The main issue of this study is whether the current principles and rules of international law, with determination and transparency, prevent cyber-hostile acts that violate the sovereignty of countries on cyber territory, and these reliable principles and rules in protecting the sovereignty of countries. Are they on national cyber territory? This paper concludes by reviewing the documents, principles and rules of international law related to national cyber sovereignty, which has been done using the qualitative content analysis method and the software tool of Mexico City, the principles and rules of current international law of the necessary efficiency and ability to protect Countries do not have national cyber sovereignty, and generally acts of violation of national cyber sovereignty of moderate and low severity (including: use of force, unauthorized intervention, etc.) are not prosecuted. Therefore, these rules and principles do not have the necessary deterrent against destructive actions and violations of national cyber sovereignty.
