The refereeing of the articles in the scientific quarterly "Soft Power Studies" is by double blind peer review method (the identity of the author of the article and the referee are not known to both parties).


     The referees are obliged to judge the article within the specified period of time and based on the policies and guidelines of the scientific quarterly "Soft Power Studies".

     - Each article is evaluated by at least two expert referees in the relevant subject area.


Articles are judged by double blind peer review.




- The biannual scientific journal of soft power studies accepts only articles related to soft power.


- The biannual scientific journal of soft power studies examines only articles that have been sent through its electronic system (the same system).


- The author/authors must read the authors' guide in this system before submitting the article to the biannual scientific journal of soft power studies and adjust their article accurately based on it.


- After submitting the article by the author/authors, the scientific journal of soft power studies examines the topic and its generality, and if the article is in line with the goals and thematic context of this journal, the author/authors will be notified through this system.


- At this stage, if the specialized editor of the two-quarterly scientific journal of soft power studies recognizes the article as meeting the criteria of the two-quarterly journal, he will refer it to thematic judges for evaluation. (If the article is found by the specialized editor to lack the criteria of a bi-quarterly journal and is rejected, the author/authors will be notified through this system).


- At this stage, two referees with subject expertise will evaluate the article, and their opinions will be communicated to the author/authors of the article through this system. Thematic referees of the biannual scientific journal of soft power studies have the authority to accept or reject the article or ask the author/authors to make any corrections. (If the article is rejected by Doran, the author/authors will be notified through this system).


- If one of the referees rejects the article and the other referee accepts it or deems it acceptable with amendments, the article will be referred to the third thematic referee for review so that he can also express his opinion on the matter. In this situation, the decision criteria of the two quarterly scientific journal of soft power studies, to accept or reject the article, will be two out of three votes of the referees.


- At this stage, after making the corrections desired by the referees by the author/authors, the modified article will be sent to the journal through the same system so that the corrections will be reviewed and if the opinion of the judges is satisfied, the article will be accepted by the journal. Soft power will be placed and the author(s) will be notified through this system.


- After the acceptance of the article by the biannual journal of soft power studies, the authors are required to make the corrections required by the literary editor, scientific editor, and page layout in their article and send the article to the biannual journal through this system at the appointed time. (If the author/authors do not make this kind of corrections at the appointed time, their publication will be delayed).


- The author/writers are committed to correcting the article at each stage according to the set time that will be notified to them through this system, otherwise, the article will be removed from the review process at the pre-acceptance stage. And at every stage after acceptance, there will be a delay in printing.


- The author/authors are required to announce the companion number to the bi-quarterly scientific journal of soft power studies that its SMS advertising service is not closed, because the bi-quarterly journal will also notify them through its SMS system in addition to notifying through its own system and e-mail.