Acceptable works in the scientific quarterly of soft power studies: 1) Research articles 2) Promotional articles


Duration of initial review of articles: 5 days


The average time frame of the arbitration process (result announcement): at least 3 weeks


Acknowledgment of the sponsor or provider of research credit (if any) in the article


Download the conflict of interest form and send the completed and signed version along with the article.


Download the authors' commitment form and send its completed and signed copy along with the article.

The Scientific Quarterly of Soft Power Studies observes scientific and publication ethics under international copyright rules and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


   Scientific Quarterly of Soft Power Studies allows the readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link the full text of the articles and the readers are allowed to use them for any other legal purpose.


The Scientific Quarterly of Soft Power Studies is an “open access Journal".


Respected editors can use the Samimnoor system (click) to send a matching report to the quarterly. Respected authors should be careful that they must send the PDF report of similarity that they receive directly from similarity finder to the quarterly. (The percentage of similarity must be below 20 percent)


Writers Guide


  Guidelines for editing articles:


If the article is derived from a research project or thesis (Master's or PhD), it must be specified under the title of the article. Also, in the articles derived from the research plan, the supervisor and in the articles derived from the thesis, the supervisor must be registered as the responsible author. It should be noted that the article must be the result of personal research of the author or authors and has not been previously published in domestic or foreign publications.


1- The structure of the article


The article should have the structure of a scientific-research article; Abstract, introduction and statement of the problem, objectives and questions (questions), hypotheses (if the field research has hypotheses), research, background, theoretical framework/conceptual framework, research method, introduction of the field, research findings, analysis and or interpretation based on research questions, conclusions, sources, English abstract.


- The title of the article should indicate the meaning of the main topic or the message of the article in the shortest and most beautiful way possible.


- Abstract


Abstract includes; problem design, research method, data collection tool, used technique, results and keywords.


- Introduction and statement of the problem


The problem under investigation should be defined and clearly explained under the title "Introduction and statement of the problem". It should be noted that the introduction and statement of the problem can be written separately.


- Research objectives and questions


Research goals and questions that refer to the research problem.


- Research background


Referring to the works done in the researched area and expressing the difference between the present research and other researches.


- Theoretical considerations/theoretical framework/conceptual framework


Any research for evaluation needs one of three titles: theoretical considerations, theoretical framework or conceptual framework.


- Research Methodology


The respected author or authors should explain what quantitative or qualitative method and different levels of each they used in conducting this research. At the same time, the author or authors must specify at the end of the research method what steps the research will take to reach the result. In other words, the way to answer the questions raised should be stated more methodically.


- Research findings


Findings, their analysis and interpretation should be presented under the title of independent and regularly.


- Discussion


The discussion and conclusion of the article based on the findings and theoretical framework should be presented at the end of the article.


- The list of Persian and English sources should be listed in alphabetical order, separately from Persian and non-Persian sources.


- The English abstract should be given at the end of the article.



2- Volume and font of the article


- The article must be typed and typed in Word 2013 software environment or a lower version, maximum 18 pages (between 6000 and 7000 words) with thin B lotus font, size 12 and approximate distance between lines of 1 cm.


- Persian abstract with Blotus font, size 12 and Latin abstract with Times New Roman font, size 11, between (150 to 250 words) number of keywords between (4 to 6 words).


- Margin value should be 3 from the top, 2.5 from the bottom, 3 from the right and 2.5 cm from the left.


- The title of the article should be written in B Titr font, size 12, and the details of the author or authors should be written in Blotus font, size 11.


- The list of text titles should be written in B lotus font, size 12Bold, as well as sources and references in B lotus font, size 11.


Note: The Persian equivalent of Latin words should be used as much as possible in the Persian text, and if the Persian equivalent is not clear enough, you can add the same Latin word in the notes section by mentioning the number above the equivalent.


3- The first page of the article


- This page must be sent separately in a file called the authors' profile.


- The name and surname, academic rank and the name of the institution or place of employment of the author or authors should be entered in Farsi and English.


- Full address of the author in charge of correspondence, including; The postal address, telephone number, telephone number, and messenger (e-mail) address should be mentioned in Farsi and English (mentioning the above information on other pages of the article should be avoided).


- The full title of the article should be written in English.


4- Pictures, maps and tables


- Only if necessary, use very high quality images and maps. Regarding the map and table, all the items mentioned in them should be completely legible.


- All pictures, maps and tables should be included in the text of the article and at the bottom of the related article.


- At the top of the pictures, maps and tables, number and explanation