Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Security and Social Sciences, Faculty of Security and Policing and Social Sciences, Policing Sciences and Social Studies Research institute, Tehran, Iran.


The form and nature of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America during the period since the Islamic Revolution have been controversial in nature, ranging from hard confrontation to soft methods. In other words, in the relations between the two countries, at first, the hardware aspects were important, but with the passage of time and the inefficiency of these tools, the use of software tools has become important. Accordingly, both countries, aware of this equation, have tried to increase and use more of their soft power capacities and have sought to achieve foreign policy goals and maintain their interests through the use of soft power tools. The present study, by asking the question, "On what principles and components has the soft power of Iran's foreign policy been based on the United States of America?" "It has increased its deterrent capability, thereby countering soft US threats." The method used in this research is descriptive and analytical quality and filing has been used to collect materials.
